SLC&SGA Match vs Kent at Willingdon

Jun 15, 2018 | Archives

On Wednesday 13th June we welcomed Judie Smith and her team to Willingdon Golf Club for this year’s home match against Kent.

Willingdon, founded in 1898 and designed by JH Taylor, is a Downland course situated two miles north of Eastbourne giving spectacular views across the town to the sea.

On arrival we could see that there had been some changes to the club house in the form of an extension which included a new Pro shop above which is an open terrace, where you can enjoy the stunning view across the course to the downs, while watching golfers tee off or finishing off on the 18th.

It was an early start again for some ladies, all of which arrived safely, in time for the sandwiches and coffee and to meet their playing partners ready for the first tee off at 12.30pm.

It was going to be another beautiful warm sunny day, with just a little wind to cool us down. Everyone enjoyed the course, which was in excellent condition with the ball running, even though the greens.

To finishing off a glorious day, a complimentary drink followed by breast of chicken and fresh fruit salad was enjoyed by all.

Despite all the effort of SLC&SGA ladies, with many matches going down to the last putt, Kent ladies prevailed again this year by winning 4½ – 3½.

Nannette Meeten

SLC&SGA Captain 2018