Every Year our President invites the Committee of The Sussex Golf Captains to a game as a thank you for entertaining us at our annual match at Haywards Heath. The ladies and gentlemen of Sussex Captains always enjoy playing together and this was no exception as could be gathered by the chatter before and after play.
Despite the weather forecast of thunderstorms and wind the event went ahead at Willingdon Golf Club, the home club of our President Sylvia Huggair. Last year it was the hottest day of the year at Pyecombe and the event was cut short to 15 holes, this year the weather gods looked kindly on our 20 players and held back on the rain and wind to produce some very close results. The first 3 pairs all had 36 points but the eventual winners after count back were Janet Garbutt, President Elect SLC&SGA and Dave Wilkins, President Elect SGC, 2nd were Jenny Fahy SLC&SGA member and Harold Knight, Past Captain SGC and 3rd, Rachelle Black SLC&SGA member and Dave Harmer Patron SGC.
After a delicious meal and wine Phil Williamson, the Captain of SGC presented Sylvia with lovely engraved vase to mark the occasion. Many thanks go to Keith Talbot for finding 2 of the Lady President’s lost balls!!